Meaning of Night Eagle

My parents inspired me to this unique piece of jewelry. My mother loves cats, while my stepfather prefers the feathered species. Their garden is covered with large aviaries and at the same time is the home of countless cats. As their silver wedding anniversary approached, I got myself into a lucid dream to seek an extraordinary gift.
In my vision, a wing appeared, hugging a cat's eye.
What significance this symbol actually held, I understood only during the preparation of its drawing. The wing represents the eagle, the heaven-power and the male energy. The cat's eye symbolizes a cat, the earth-power and female sensuality. As love opens the heart, I gave the pendant the shape of a heart. With your heart wide open, you feel a deep connection with the universe and its mystical wisdom, the latter represented by the symbol of an owl.
In fact, I created a talisman that joints the power of three totem animals, especially the strength to see in the dark. The eagle, the cat and the owl invite you to transfuse your shadow and face your truth.
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