Healing begins with "connecting". Be it with yourself or with others. No one is an isolated, detached thing in the universe, even if it sometimes feels that way. In fact, our life threads are interwoven, as in an infinite spider web.
If you move, others move with you, and vice versa.
I invite you to do it like a smart spider. Focus on your own network as you heal, and I mean your nerve cell network in your body.
"In childhood and adolescence, the brain creates the nerve cell networks that later decide how a person views and interprets their environment, how they shape relationships, and how they handle the challenges that life holds."(Joachim Bauer, Das Gedächtnis des Körpers. Wie Beziehungen und Lebensstile unsere Gene steuern, Piper Verlag 2004, page 177)
Repair and clean it or weave a completely new one. Unleash your spider spirit, which is inherent in all of us and wants to be awakened from its slumber. Deepen your intuition and your creative power.
Nobody can save the world alone. For that it is possible to become the creator of your microcosm. And you're probably changing the universe for that very reason.
It is my pleasure, to show you how to do that. I am at your disposal with heart and mind as a source of resonance as well as my healing knowledge.
Some of my approaches are mentioned here: Emotional work, meditation, chakra work, boogie busting, reconnection with ancestors, visualization, constellations or self-encounters with me as a resonator, and much more.
Dates and prices gladly by email or telephone. Remote treatment possible.
Important note: My work does not replace any medical or psychotherapeutic treatment. It is to be understood as health and life counseling. In the case of health problems or diseases, the help of a doctor, a naturopath or a psychotherapist should be used.
Mo Blackfeather

Jewellery Design . Fine Art . Life Coach . Shamanic Healing