Meaning of Spider

For the ethnic jewelry collection Grandmother Spider inspired an ancient spider symbol of North and South American tribal people. In mythology, the spider embodies an aspect of the Great Mother, that creates space and time. In the dream interpretation, for example according to Carl Gustav Jung, the eight-legged is associated with the autonomic nervous system. It makes sense, because the latest findings of science state that already in early childhood, a nerve cell network is created based on first life experiences. It is responsible for how one sees the world as an adult and meets the challenges of life. People with childhood trauma may change this network of nerves in using mediation techniques, just as a spider repairs and renews its spider web.
Feel your creativity, your ability to spin life threads. All of us have the creativity of a weaver "Create A New Web" of love and empathy. Follow your intuition and female intelligence, make it like Ariadne, who once found out with cunning from a dark labyrinth.
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